Bez Arts Intensive


Multi-disciplinary arts 

We love that so many artists are actually inter-disciplinary and love to dip their toes into many areas to create artistic work. As a matter of fact, many arts professionals end up dabbling in many areas of artistic expression over the course of their careers. So we thought, why not develop a one year course for artistic students, that will give them a foundational amount of training in several areas of the arts, so that they can get a feel for what interests them the most. It’s a great way to spend a “gap year.” This 9 month program is designed as a gap year course in arts exploration. Students will have opportunity to train in the basics of film, music and movement, while learning to collaborate with other artists to produce multi-faceted creative works. How about using delving into all the areas of your arts interest and see which one you gravitate towards?

A blend of forms

In MUSIC you will learn basic music theory, recording and sound as well as basic music editing. In FILM you will learn camera skills, storytelling and basic film editing. In our MOVEMENT classes you will learn movement improvisation, adding movement to film and music and embodied meaning.

Personal Development

And it’s not just your artistic craft that you’ll be working on, you’ll also be working on “you”. We know that all good artists draw their best material from life and we want to encourage and coach each of our students in their life journey. We’ll have small group times, one-on-one mentorship, and personal discovery integrated throughout our classes. Arts/Faith/Culture classes and creative contemplative times as also offered as options.

Community life

Bez provides a rich community life, not just with your fellow students, but with a whole influx of individuals from the community at large who attend evening dance classes, concerts, choir rehearsals and improv comedy nights. And you are more than welcome to take part in any of those activities as well